Who we are

We promote a culture of data based on the openness and effective use in order to create innovative solutions for decision making.

Our mission

Develop digital skills in the public and institutions to promote a culture of data and digital rights, with the aim of promoting the design and implementation of projects that combine: open data, technology, civic and technical expertise.

Our vision

To be an organization that works for the digital rights of the citizens, through the culture of data and transforming the society.

Our mission

Develop digital skills in the public and institutions to promote a culture of data and digital rights, with the aim of promoting the design and implementation of projects that combine: open data, technology, civic and technical expertise.

Our vision

To be an organization that works for the digital rights of the citizens, through the culture of data and transforming the society.

Our History

We encourage capacity building, use of methodologies, tools that are open and applied research.

After a few months of talks, cafes and meetings dateros, we decided to launch a collaborative initiative local to promote the openness and the use of data in Ecuador under the approach of the right of access to information. It is so in June of 2016 was born Datalat as a fusion of the words that we identify: data: Data, Lat: Latin america and latitude zero, by the location of our country.

In 2018 Datalat was constituted as a civil society for the implementation of projects and initiatives with partners and donors to the national level.

The team co-founder initial was built by people who love data, technology, art and activism, and we are grateful to Wake Navarrete, Ivan Third parties, Lisette Arévalo-Gross, Rachel Mulbry, Carlos De Smedt, Margarita Yépez and Julio Lopez for having conceived this proposal, which is now a reality.

Branding design initial Datalat was in charge of Santiago Pacheco, the new brand development for Foundation Datalat was designed by Pepa Illustrator and Andrea Moposio; as well as photographs by Andrew Burbank NGA Brands.

Datalat is a ecuatorian organisation that was created to contribute to the gap in the field of open data in Ecuador and their impact on society. Since then we focus on projects that combine data, technology and innovative methodologies to enhance the social initiatives. 

We believe in the potential of the information technologies to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGS, as they work as catalysts to speed up the three pillars of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental, it is so from Datalat we contribute to reduce the gaps in the information by the projects they generate. 

As part of the process of growth of the organization Datalat is established as a foundation under the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL) by Resolution No. 001-2021 in January 2021, to respond to projects at local and international level to foster the culture of data, digital rights, transparency and citizen participation through the effective use of open data.

Our Team

Margarita Yépez
Executive Director

Co-Founder of Foundation Datalat, Msc. International business by Univertitat Pompeu Fabra university, has more than 10 years of experience in managing national and international projects on social innovation and technology civic-level multi-sectoral.

Julio López Peña
Director of Projects and Innovation

Co-founder of the Foundation Datalat, promotes a culture of data and decisions based on evidence in people and organisations to achieve sustainable development. Economist (PUCE) and MSc (University College London), he has 12 years of experience in projects of technical assistance and research in multilateral agencies, research centres and civil society organizations.

Susana Chain
Director of Technology and Research

Co-Founder of the Foundation Datalat. Teacher-researcher at the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Phd in Computer science (PhD, University of Alicante), an Expert in the management of technology and data, and the value they can provide in business processes, educational, and citizens, with experience in various project-related research: Open Data, Management of Technology, which have been published in indexed journals and e-books..

Ana Aguilera
Technical Research

Engineer Geógrafa in Spatial Planning by PUCE. It has been part of several projects that promote social development, with national and international organizations. Interested in social management and development, urban studies, and data analytics.

Martín Loza
Technical projects and data analysis

Engineer Geographer in Territorial Planning of PUCE. He has worked in the field of urban research on issues of human mobility and management inclusive of risk. He has also participated in projects of social mapping for the development of rural communities, and interactive mapping. Interested in the analytics, visualization, and terrorization of the data.

Lisette Zambrano
Research assistant

An engineer in Statistics from the Central University of Ecuador, a researcher and data analyst. He has collaborated on several projects that promote the implementation of indicators for the management of quality assurance in Higher Education, as well as to evaluate the system of open data that includes the policy, guide, and portal of open data. Interested in modeling statistical and social management.

Carolina Torres
Project assistant

Economist with a penchant for research and management of data. He has worked as assistant professor in the Department of Economics of the UTPL. Publications and projects related to issues of sustainable development and migration. Their interests are topics econometrics, data systems, statistical analysis and evaluation of public policies.

Emily Fonseca
Communications assistant

Graduated in Social Communication with a minor in Communication for Development from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, with experience in different areas of communication, such as communication, community, digital, and internal. Interested in projects of community communication.

Sofìa German
Wizard Technology I

Student of computer engineering, with experience in programming mobile and web in different programming languages and with several paradigms. Passionate about the world of data and artificial intelligence to apply their knowledge in the promotion of the culture of data and digital rights.

Diego Pérez
Wizard Technology II

Engineer in Mechatronics at Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, with experience in the design and development of web and mobile applications, Interested in data science, learning new technologies and continuous improvement.

The activities and projects of the Foundation Datalat are funded by different sources: grants (grants, donations, advice and cooperation agreements.
We have counted with the financial support of several organizations, among them:
Institutional Documents

We work and we work with several national and international organizations.



We work and we work with several national and international organizations.

We are a part of the following networks at national and international level:

¿Qué busca la política de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

La política de Datos Abiertos (Art. 1), busca implementar los datos abiertos en la Función Ejecutiva para:

– Fortalecer la participación ciudadana.

– Obtener transparencia gubernamental.

– Mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión pública.

– Promover la investigación, el emprendimiento y la innovación en la sociedad.

Además, el cumplimiento es obligatorio para todas las entidades que integran la Administración Pública Central. 

¿Qué contiene la Guía de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

Proporciona criterios técnicos y metodológicos para planificar, abrir, publicar y promover la utilización de los datos abiertos gubernamentales.

Orienta la apertura y publicación de datos de acuerdo con los principios de apertura establecidos en la Política de Datos Abiertos.

Involucra aliados estratégicos de los diferentes sectores de la sociedad, con criterios de corresponsabilidad en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de los datos abiertos.

Conoce los 8 principios de los Datos Abiertos

– Abiertos por defecto.

– Oportunos y exhaustivos.

– Accesibles y utilizables.

– Comparables e interoperables.

– Para mejorar la gobernanza y la participación ciudadana.

– Para el Desarrollo incluyente y la innovación.

¿Qué contiene la Guía de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

La Guía de datos abiertos contempla cuatro etapas:

– Planea: proceso de planificación para establecer un Portafolio institucional de datos abiertos.

– Publica: definición de actividades necesarias para la publicación de los conjuntos de datos en formatos abiertos.

– Promueve: determinación de los medios, recursos, herramientas, esfuerzos a realizar, para promover el conocimiento de los datos abiertos y de los conjuntos de datos publicados, e impulsar su utilización.

– Evalúa: Mide cualitativa y cuantitativamente los resultados de las acciones emprendidas y el cumplimiento versus lo planificado.


Guía de datos abiertos (MINTEL, 2020).

Conoce más  en: 

Palabras clave:

Datos Abiertos, Principios, Guía de Datos Abiertos, Politica

#MasCercaDeLosDatos #DatosAbiertosEC