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Opening of Data Corruption in Ecuador

Led by the Open Data Charter, Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL, with the support of CAF along a Foundation for Citizenship and Development FCD and Dataketch, we work on the technical assistance to build the roadmap and the Governance Model that integrates the opening up of 30 sets of data that will contribute to the fight against corruption as well as to improve the transparency in Ecuador.

More information:


+100 participants  +50 institutions  +30 datasets analyzed

+2 knowledge products  +6 workshops and co-creation

Climatón Ecuador 2021

Initiative to enhance the participation of children and young people on issues of climate change policy and its problems through the use of new technologies. It is driven by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), through the Programme of support for NDC and the technical support of Datalat next to the Coworking Latacunga. They developed two stages, a challenge where the winning solution was BioClick among 70 teams and a campaign for the launch of the platform, and beta version of BioClick. More 

Donor: United Nations Program for Development (UNDP)

Duration: November, 2020 to June 2021


+70 Teams in the challenge  +7.000 visits to the platform  +1 Web App deployed

National congress of Open Data and Metadata

The First National Congress of Open Data and Metadata is intended as a space for dialogue between government, universities, civil society and the private companies on the importance of the data and metadata opened. Spread the importance on the use of open data in Ecuador, to encourage the opening up of data quality-level multi-sectoral and approached the topic of open data and metadata to the academia, civil society and private companies in the country. Led by the Ecuadorian Net of Open Data and Metadata (REDAM), with the support of the team Datalat.

Donor: Organization Of ibero-American States (OEI) through REDAM .

Duration: January to March 2019


+400 participants  +20 national speakers

2 international speakers

Construction of Indicators for assessing the implementation of the policy, and the guide of open data

We investigate, analyze, and co-create with the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL) and the Secretariat Plans to Ecuador with the support of GIZ German Technical Cooperation we generated a battery of indicators to assess the implementation of the guide and the policy of open data in Ecuador. In a participatory process with several public and private institutions, civil society and academia.

Donor: GIZ Ecuador

Duration: March to July 2021


1 research report +60 revised documents

1 the process of co-creation, with over 60 participants and 7 experts.

Recruitment Open for emergency COVID-19 in Ecuador

This research project focuses on the process of procurement of the Government of Ecuador during the health emergency of the COVID-19. We generate recommendations on the process of implementation of the standard Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) and the publication of open data during the health emergency.

Read the full report at:

Donor: Open Contracting Partnership (OCP)

Duration: June 2020 to August 2020


+5 sets of data analyzed  1 research report

Recruitment Open in Ecuador

We investigated the process of procurement of the Government of Ecuador during the health emergency of the COVID-19 and the implementation of the standard Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), with the support of the Alliance for Recruitment Open (OCP).

+Info in:


1 research report  +3 sets of data analyzed

1 dataton data re-use

Datatón anti-corruption

Initiative virtual next to Foundation KIRU, which promotes team work with the objective to create, develop collaboratively and to show how the creative the fight against corruption through the use, analysis and visualization of open data government on public resources to public procurement during the health emergency.

Check out more information on:

Donor: Pan american Development Foundation (PADF) through Foundation KIRU.

Duration: August 2020 September 2020


+200 participants  4 finalists

+15 sets of data analyzed

Datea, Editing, Youth and Labour Informality

We empower them to 26, young people of Quito, Machala, Loja and Guayaquil on the effective use of data and your analysis to generate evidence of problematic work-related informal youth, with the support of UNDP Ecuador, ILO and UN Women.

+ More information at: 


+180 applicants  +40 hours of learning

5 investigations and visualizations published

Diverciudades - Platform of inclusion with data

It is a digital platform created by Foundation KIRU and Datalat to promote and celebrate inclusion and diversity that exists in the cities of Ecuador. We work on 3 key themes for our cities: gender, inclusion and resilience. Developed workshops on Wikipedia (editatonas), exercises in data collection and analysis.

Check out more information on:

Donors: Datalat and Foundation KIRU.

Duration: June to December 2018


+2 spatial data sets to be analyzed  1 web-based platform developed

+5 data visualizations published

Evidence on the impacts of climate change on children, girls, adolescents and young people.

In conjunction with Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA), Komité, with the support of UNICEF Ecuador, we are developing a research that seeks to generate evidence on the impacts of climate change on children, adolescents and young people in Ecuador, including cross-cutting issues (gender, intercultural, disabilities) as input for the formulation of the Fourth National Communication of the Equator (4CN) process of the Ministry of Water, Environment and Ecological Transition. We have set up a study of perception and research reports analyzing data, socio-economic and climate scenarios available to Ecuador.

Donor: UNICEF Ecuador

Duration: March to August 2021


+600 perception Surveys  +4 research reports

Capacity building in open data in Ecuador to 2021

From the equipment Foundation Datalat and the Network Ecuadorian Open Data and Metadata (REDAM), with the support of the Innovation Network for Change (Innovation for Change), we created a course in our learning platform and allocate scholarships to 100% to build capacity and transfer knowledge, around the use of open data and how to generate initiatives, getting to know the ecosystem of open data.

Donor: Innovation Network for the Exchange HUB, Latin america, coordinated by RACI Argentina - Canada.

Duration: March to August 2021


+150 enrolled  30 hours of coursework 3 virtual forums

Capacity building in data visualization with a focus on gender

We work with the training program in Latin America PARIS21 on data Visualization, which provides journalists, professionals in statistics and members of social organizations the opportunity to improve their skills in the use of data visualization to present statistics in a easy way with a gender approach. This program is developed together with the Statistical Offices of Peru and Paraguay, with the accompaniment of UN Women.

Donor: PARIS21 (

Duration: June to August 2021


+60 trained professionals +20-hour online course  +15 projects display

Young and Labour Informality

The first edition of Datea, School Data Foundation Datalat, was developed on the theme “Young people and labour Informality” as an initiative of the United Nations System in Ecuador executed by the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) with the support of Datalat. In this edition we empower young people about the effective use of data and your analysis to generate evidence of problematic work-related informal youth.

Learn more about this issue of Datea in:

Donor: United Nations Program for Development (UNDP)

Duration: October 2020 to January 2021


+200 applicants 23 organizations of young people trained

5 reports and visualizations with data of informality

Participatón, initiatives for democracy

Initiative virtual focused in to promote new ideas that will contribute to re-think and to strengthen democracy and political participation of young people. It was an event implemented by the Esquel Foundation and Lifting up Voices, with the support of the International Republican Institute - IRI, and the technical assistance of Foundation Datalat. Check out more information on:

Donor: the Esquel Foundation - International Republican Institute - IRI

Duration: February to April 2021


+38 Teams in the challenge  3 initiatives implemented by youth

Innovation challenge for the more data of the informal workforce

We identify solutions on new mechanisms to supplement the missing information in databases and records covering the universe of young people. It was developed in the framework of the programme “Expanding the system of social protection for young women and men in the informal economy” program (SDG), and is implemented by the United Nations agencies: ILO, UN Women and UNDP, the hand of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, and the Ministry of Labour, with the technical support of Datalat and OpenLabEc.

Donor: United Nations, ILO, UN Women and UNDP

Duration: November 2020 to April 2021


+60 teams participating  3 solutions prototipadas


¿Qué busca la política de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

La política de Datos Abiertos (Art. 1), busca implementar los datos abiertos en la Función Ejecutiva para:

– Fortalecer la participación ciudadana.

– Obtener transparencia gubernamental.

– Mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión pública.

– Promover la investigación, el emprendimiento y la innovación en la sociedad.

Además, el cumplimiento es obligatorio para todas las entidades que integran la Administración Pública Central. 

¿Qué contiene la Guía de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

Proporciona criterios técnicos y metodológicos para planificar, abrir, publicar y promover la utilización de los datos abiertos gubernamentales.

Orienta la apertura y publicación de datos de acuerdo con los principios de apertura establecidos en la Política de Datos Abiertos.

Involucra aliados estratégicos de los diferentes sectores de la sociedad, con criterios de corresponsabilidad en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de los datos abiertos.

Conoce los 8 principios de los Datos Abiertos

– Abiertos por defecto.

– Oportunos y exhaustivos.

– Accesibles y utilizables.

– Comparables e interoperables.

– Para mejorar la gobernanza y la participación ciudadana.

– Para el Desarrollo incluyente y la innovación.

¿Qué contiene la Guía de Datos Abiertos del Ecuador?

La Guía de datos abiertos contempla cuatro etapas:

– Planea: proceso de planificación para establecer un Portafolio institucional de datos abiertos.

– Publica: definición de actividades necesarias para la publicación de los conjuntos de datos en formatos abiertos.

– Promueve: determinación de los medios, recursos, herramientas, esfuerzos a realizar, para promover el conocimiento de los datos abiertos y de los conjuntos de datos publicados, e impulsar su utilización.

– Evalúa: Mide cualitativa y cuantitativamente los resultados de las acciones emprendidas y el cumplimiento versus lo planificado.


Guía de datos abiertos (MINTEL, 2020).

Conoce más  en: 

Palabras clave:

Datos Abiertos, Principios, Guía de Datos Abiertos, Politica

#MasCercaDeLosDatos #DatosAbiertosEC